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January 18, 2022

Huzoor Ghous-Ul-Azam Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir al-Gilaani (رضی اللہ)

Hazrat Syed-Ul-Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) is from Kamal-E-Awliya, Ehl-E-Bait-E-Nabwiya-O-Azam-E-Sadaat-E-Hasnia. Huzoor (رضی اللہ) received Bait and Khirqa-E-Khilafat from Hazrat Qazi Shaikh Abu Saeed Musallah Uddin Mubarak Bin Ali Makhzoomi (رضی اللہ).

Sardfitaar-Ehl-E-Imaan, Muqaddam-O-Ashab-E-Irfan, Madan-E-Sidq-O-Safa, Khazeena-E-Hikm-O-Haya, Afzal-Ul-Awliya, Sultan-Ul-Asfiya, Murawwat-E-Khursheed, Mazhar-E-Izzo-O-Kamaal, Shahid-E-Zuljalaal, Muqarrib-E-Bargaah-E-Ehdiyat, Muqaddas Dargah-E-Samdiyat, Aajla-E-Arbaab-E-Wilayat, Gohar-E-Kunn-E-Hidayat, Mehboob-E-Subhani, Qutb-E-Rabbani, Ghous-Ul-Samdani, Mashooq-E-Haqqani, Matloob-E-Yazdaani, Arif-Ul-Sani, Hazrat Syed Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Abdul Qadir Mohi Uddin al-Hasan al-Gilaani (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Syed-Ul-Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) is from Kamal-E-Awliya, Ehl-E-Bait-E-Nabwiya-O-Azam-E-Sadaat-E-Hasnia. Huzoor (رضی اللہ) received Bait and Khirqa-E-Khilafat from Hazrat Qazi Shaikh Abu Saeed Musallah Uddin Mubarak Bin Ali Makhzoomi (رضی اللہ). Your name is Abdul Qadir, Kuniyat Abu Muhammad, alqab Grami Mohi Uddin, Mehboob Subhani, Ghous-Ul-Saqlain and many others.

Hazrat Syed Ul Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) was born on Sunday 10th of January, 1070 AD, and according to Islamic calendar on 1st of Ramadan 470 AH in the place of Gilaan and your birth. The author of the Book Roz-Ul-Zahir has written that you are related towards GEEL, which is also known as GEEL O GILAA’N.

Hazrat Syed-Ul-Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) was WALI ULLAH by birth. In your childhood, your father returned from this mortal world, your mother was your alone guardian. From the beginning your nature was tossed away from the world. During childhood, if you ever wanted to play with children you would have heard from the unseen, "O you, the blessed one. Come here." Whenever you used to hear this voice you went to the lap of your mother. You got admitted in Madrasa of your city at the age of nearly 5. When you started going to Madrasa, the angels walked around you, and used to announce, "Leave the place for WALI ULLAH." You have memorized the Quran Shareef in Geelan. At the age of 18, you travelled to Baghdad for further education. You travelled more than 400 miles, you reached city after a painful journey to Baghdad in 488 AH, and took scholarship from the renowned scholars, mohaddaseen and Ulam-E-Muttaqeen of the city.

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Abdullah Bukhari (رضی اللہ) says that Huzoor Ghous Pak (رضی اللہ) said, "There have been such difficulties on me that if they passed on the mountains, they would have fallen. But when I was crowded with hardship, I used to lie down on the floor and start reciting Surah of Quran Shareef, and then my all problems would have gone away.

Once Huzoor Ghous Pak (رضی اللہ) said, When I used to study jurisprudence from my teachers, at the end of the day I left for jungle from Baghdad for alone practice.

Even through these serious problems and difficulties, Huzoor Ghous Pak (رضی اللہ) learnt Qirat, Hadith, Tafsiya, Fiqah and become master of almost 200 chapters of Uloom, and certified in the month of Ramadan 496 AH.

From the childhood, the signs were prominent of your practices of Sainthood and Wilayah, which used to testify that he would be the brightest star soon.

Your knowledge internal and external became famous around the city and people started coming to you for getting knowledge, like any kind of team got possession. After getting knowledge they went to their cities and your disciples spread across all the countries. Each person had a higher degree of interest in your favorite and personal life.

Hazrat Syed Ul Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) had constancy nature in Riyazat. You have immense love for ALLAH. Even you have never been lazy in illness, you were usually on fasting and used to make a fresh Wuzu for every prayers. Whenever Huzoor (رضی اللہ) went to his Room (Hujra) after the Isha Salah, then no one going to disturb you even if Khalifa of the time wanted to meet, he would have to wait till morning.

At the time of Dua in morning you would have concealed by Noor-E-Ilahi, that if a person sees you, then it might be possible to lose his sight. Huzoor (رضی اللہ) was so strict in Practices that once you started a Chilla, which lasts for four years and in between that you kept fasting most of the time for seven days.

Hazrat Syed-Ul-Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) was the famous jurisprudence master of knowledge of Taqwa o Zehed and you had command and dignity so if any person would become your student then he never need to go to anyone. People from far or other cities and countries would come to you for the answers of their troubles and difficulties, and you immediately give the answers. You were the follower of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (رضی اللہ) and after the time when you took Bait you started following HAMBLI Jurisprudence because your Murshid Hazrat Qazi Shaikh Abu Saeed Musallah Uddin Mubarak Bin Ali Makhzoomi (رضی اللہ) was the follower of Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal (رضی اللہ) and used to give Fatwa according to the Hazrat Imam Shafi’i (رضی اللہ) and Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal (رضی اللہ).

On Saturday night, 16th of Shawwal 521 AH, Huzoor Nabi-E-Kareem (ﷺ) appeared in your dreams.

Huzoor Nabi-E-Kareem (ﷺ) asked, "O beloved, why don’t you speak to the people?"

Huzoor (رضی اللہ) replied, "SARKAR, I am an Ajmi person (Non Arabic). How can I speak in front of the Arab?"

Then Huzoor Nabi-E-Kareem (ﷺ) and Hazrat Syedina Imam Ali (عليه السلام) put their blessed Luaab E Dehan in your mouth. After that, when you started giving lecture, and when you opened your tongue in a blessed Word, people started to come from far places even when the crowd gathered there would be no place to sit. Even other Makhlooq E Khudawand would attend to listen to you.

You are the one, who was predicted by:

Huzoor Nabi-E-Kareem (ﷺ).

Hazrat Syedina Imam Hasan Mujtaba (عليه السلام).

Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام).

Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Bakar Shibli (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Ahmed Abdullah Bin Ali Moosa (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Ahmed Abdullah Bin Ali Moosa (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Aqeel Manji (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Ali Bin Wahab (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Bakar khurraz Bin Mastudai (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Taj Ul Arifeen Abu Al-Wafa (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Shaikh Hammad Bin Muslim Dabas (رضی اللہ).

Hazrat Syed Ul Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) was the glory of manners. Although with the level of masterness and height of knowledge he always very kind to the poor people, prefer to sit with scholars, saints and used to talk in a humble accent with elders and used to be polite with younger ones. He always gave respect to the guest and mates. He always tried to make a strong, polite and loving relation with everyone.

Hazrat Syed-Ul-Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) returned from this mortal world on Saturday after Isha Salah, 17th of Rabi-Us-Sani 561 AH. Your elder son Hazrat Syed Abdul Wahab al-Qadri al-Gilaani (رضی اللہ) offered your funeral prayer. Your shrine is located in Baghdad Shareef.

Family tree of Gilaania:

1. Hazrat Syed Ali al-Gilaani al-Qadri Ibn Syed Salman al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) known as Syed Ali (رضی اللہ).

2. Hazrat Syed Zakria al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) known as Syed Zakria (رضی اللہ).

3. Hazrat Syed Murad al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) known as Syed Murad (رضی اللہ).

4. Hazrat Syed Khumais al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) known as Syed Khumais (رضی اللہ).

All four of these families have around 180 members who are the real Gilaani Family from Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Aziz al-Qadri al-Gilaani (رضی اللہ).

After the Wisaal of Hazrat Shaikh Syed Ul Sultan Makhdoom Shaikh Mohi Uddin Gilaani (رضی اللہ) the lamp of spreading teaching and lookafter and management of Khanqah-E-Gilaania and Masjid-E-Huzoor-E-Ghous Pak taken by his blessed sons Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Razzaque al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) and Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Aziz al-Gilani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) and it has been going generation by generation.

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