Hazrat Shah Niaz Ahmed (Niaz Be-Niaz Ghareeb Nawaz) (رضی اللہ)

Qutb-E-Alam Madar-E-Azam Niaz Be-Niaz, Ghareeb Nawaz, Molana O Murshidna Hazrat Shah Niaz Ahmed Ulvi Syed, Qadri, Chishti, Naqshbandi(Qadimia), Soharwardi (رضی اللہ) was the founder of Silsila-e-Aliya Niazia.

Hazrat Shah Niaz Ahmed (Niaz Be-Niaz Ghareeb Nawaz) (رضی اللہ)

Qutb-E-Alam Madar-E-Azam Niaz Be-Niaz, Ghareeb Nawaz, Molana O Murshidna Hazrat Shah Niaz Ahmed Ulvi Syed, Qadri, Chishti, Naqshbandi(Qadimia), Soharwardi (رضی اللہ) was the founder of Silsila-e-Aliya Niazia. Grand personality needs no introduction. He was a bright star among the circle of the saints and its light has not dimed till today. Those who seek the righteous path reach their destiny in this light & they will continue to do so forever. The Scholars’ have written a lot about his personality, perhaps this thing will go on forever. Besides being an accomplish saints, he was also an outstanding author, a mature poet even we can’t guess about his spiritual powers.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was born in 1155 AH-(1742 A.D) Sarhind in East Punjab and returned from this mortal world in Jamad-us-Sani (1250) A.H at the age of 95. His shrine was built at Bareli Sharif (UP-India). According to his paternal roots, He is an ULVI SYED, whereas, according to his maternal roots, he is a Bani Fatima Syed Rizvi. His ancestors were from Shahan Bukhara. When he was five years old his father Haji-Ul-Haramain Hakeem Ilahi Ulvi Hazrat Shah Rehmat Ullah Ulvi (رضی اللہ) who himself was a saint of Naqshbandia(Qadeemia) migrated to Dehli and became the Head of Qazi for sometimes. At that time Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was 6 years old.

For path of Spiritualism Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was given in the custody of Hazrat Molana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-E-Pak Dehelvi (رضی اللہ) for acquiring worldly & spiritual knowledge his intelligence & mental capacities were as such that at the age of 15. He had accomplished the worldly knowledge & was the cleared eligible for saint hood. At the age of 19 after acquiring spiritual knowledge, He became vice gerent of Hazrat Molana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-E-Pak Dehelvi (رضی اللہ). He was very much impressed by Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) knowledge & wisdom, ability & strength, & his righteousness. Hazrat Molana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-E-Pak Dehelvi (رضی اللہ) did his best to educate him with worldly knowledge. At the age of 17, he had mastered all the aspects of knowledge whether logical or material propagation or practical hadith & exegesis & Islamic jurisprudence.
At the age of 19 he became a disciple of Hazrat Molana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-E-Pak Dehelvi (رضی اللہ) after that he was bestowed with vice gerent & this he became a certified saint of the Chishtia clan. In the Qadria clan, He was granted vice gerent & permission by Hazrat Syed Abdullah Bughdadi Al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) who was the son of Huzoor Ghous Ul Azam (رضی اللہ) & he was sent specially for Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) from Baghdad. Hazrat Syed Abdullah Baghdadi Al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) married his blessed daughter to Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) but soon she departed from the world a childless.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was unparallel in knowledge & greatness & his piety was known far & wide. The famous poet Ghulam Hamdani Mushafi was one of his students. Another famous poet of urdu Momin Khan Momin was also proud of being his student. He was instructed by Hazrat Molana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-E-Pak Dehelvi (رضی اللہ) to reside in Rohail Khund – Barailli & there he established his monastery. The monastery was always crowded with thousands of devotes. Those having thirst for spiritualism came to him to quench their thirst. The number of his disciples rose to hundreds of thousands & they included people from Afghanistan, Samarqand & Bukhara. He continued the process of teaching & writing for a long time in Baraili.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was un-paralleled author & a magnificent poet in prose. Most of his books are unpublished. Some books were copied & given to his vice gerents & are still preserved their libraries & some menu scripts books & magazine a present in his monastery at baraili. Overall his personality was a collection of wonders, both worldly spiritual his personality can be studied in four (4) different aspects & in each aspects, it seems to have attained the supreme level.
1. As an accomplished saint.
2. As a religious scholar.
3. As an author.
4. As a poet
If studies carefully every aspects of the personality seems to be at the highest level. It should be remember that is real identity in his saint hood. Other aspects are of secondary importance. Over all he’s considered as one of the leading saints of Indo-Pak. His saint hood above all the aspects of his personality his grant personality is an ocean of spiritual greatness & valuable teaching & it has served a great many people & it will continue to do so forever.

He was SYED ULVI due to high standard of ancestry distinctive Islamic, moral environment for bringing up had become an inheritance in the family for generation & which Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) adopted himself by virtue of his great father. Due to this he was the best example of gentle ways personality & character of saadaat.

Love of God was embedded soul knowledge & character action & manners in short all his qualities were molded in the love of God. It would be wrong to say that he had reached maximum limits in the love of five pious. Therefore he was very famous in all such things or rituals associated to the above mentioned a pious people or which was behalf of them.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was very extreme in his love of sadaat & their off spring. He used to insist his disciples about it & his vice gerents were given written instruction about it as such till today, this instructions in written for the vice gerents of the different branches family of Niazia. Similarly he was very extreme in his love obedient & respect of his parents, ancestors & his religious guides & he also stressed his disciple to do thing.

Creation of God irrespective of religion & nationality were considered as beloved creations of God by him & therefore he treated them heartily & sincere kindness with this spirit, he spent the whole life in educating them.

Those who were afflicted by the world come to him to express their condition & he prayed for their relief. He used to heal their inner wounds with his love & affection & so their hearts were relived. Infect, due to his love their miseries subsided. He was the God father of his devotees & attendants. Everyone feels that he is very kind.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was habitual to hard work & labour. He spent all his life working for the welfare for others.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz’s (رضی اللہ) nature was down to earth & simple living, he never sacrifice the religious grace & knowledge acting as a vice gerent, he never bowed to rich & noble.

Like vice, he was never afraid of any one in preaching the truth nor did he show any led leniency to anyone in this matter. In the same way, he had propagated unity of God through his poetry bluntly & vividly in an unparalleled way.

As Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) spent all his time in meditation therefore acting on his teaching cannot mean anything else then it, all though, level of concentration may increase or Whenever he devoted himself, he would mediated without knowing that how long it was going to last. (According to the way of our ancestors meditations means to pray God with such devotion that one might be able to Trans migrate from this material world into the spiritual world). Even in the state of meditation, he strongly stressed upon offering prayers. He followed Islamic jurisprudence with prayed intent & also instructed his relatives & disciple to do the same firmly.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) neither bowed to rulers, lords & wealthy people nor accepted gifts from them, although he accepted gifts from his disciples even it was not worth mentioning. Similarly he accepted the invitation of feast from the poor & appreciated it a lot even if it was against his taste.

It was Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz’s (رضی اللہ) distinction that he educated his students & disciple with love & devotion. Due to it, both his monastery & madarsa were the center of excellence & many valuable personalities originated from these centers.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was very prestigious honorable & determine person, love of wealth, worldly reputation & fame was never embedded in his heart in the beginning when he came to Baraili, the sister of HAFIZ-UL-MULK offered him to stay in his grand house but he preferred to stay in the cantonment at baanka with his family which was under of his own administration & prevented himself from being grateful to the riches.
Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) strictly abided by his principles in spite of being of a vice gerents, he never let go of religious routines, remembrance of God & meditation.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) ate simple & little food, wore simple dresses, but his head gear was embroidered with golden thread as it was the trade mark of the Nizamia Family.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) basic education thought him to love the poor & the needy.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was affectionate to his disciples & treated them as his siblings.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) held the descendants the RASOOL ULLAH (ﷺ) (saadat karam & syed’s) in high esteem.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) never liked Entangle argument.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) dressed also reflected his modesty & he never took to exuberance in this regard. Some of His Precautionary Measures.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (RA) avoided the company of such rulers & sultans. Who is hearts were devoid of the love of God & RASOOL ULLAH ﷺ.

In religious as well as worldly matters Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) was very cautious by nature same was the case in social matters.

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) avoided the company of such rulers & sultans. Who is hearts were devoid of the love of ALLAH & RASOOL ULLAH (ﷺ).

Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) never accepted any gift from any such person who was not his disciples.

In ablution Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) practiced great care & always remains in the state of ablution.

In Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ) monastery, the standard of vice gerents & permission were very strict. Spiritual Powers what can be said about his spiritual power when the students of his monastery could do wonders once, he asked them if anyone of them could dry a Marry gold plant simply by devoting his attention to it. Once of Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz’s (رضی اللہ) student Shah Jee Shareef Uddin requested him to grant him the permission to do so. Having receive his permission, he was able to dry marry gold plant just by imagining about it. After a day a two, he again asks them if anyone of them could turn that dry marry gold plant green by devoting his attention to it. One of his students Mirza Asad Ullah Baig requested him to grant him the permission to do so. This time too, the plant was turned green simply by imagination.

If this was the state of spiritualism of his students just think how immense the spiritual power of his vice gerents was. From this we can have an idea of his miraculous powers. If we want to write about it his spiritualism, voluminous books would be required & still, we won’t be able to describe his (رضی اللہ) spiritual power. Similarly, if we want to describe his (رضی اللہ) personality in words, we won’t be able to do justice. Literary compositions of Hazrat Sarkar Shah Niaz Be-Niaz (رضی اللہ)
• Risaala Raaz-O-Niyaz
• Shams-Ul-Ain Shareef
• Noor-Ul-Ain
• Tohfa-E-Niaz Ba Hazrat-E-Be-Niaz
• Hashiyah Sharah ‘Mulla Jalaal’’
• Hasiyah Sharah ‘Chagmani’
• Risaala Tasmeet-Ul-Maraatib
• Risaala Mantaq
• Mazmua Qasaaid-E-Arbiya
• Sharah Qasaaid-e-Arbiya
• Bayaaz
• Deewan-E-Niyaz (Urdu)
• Deewan-E-Niyaz (Persian)