
Hazrat Shaikh Syed Zain Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ)

Hazrat Shaikh Syed Zain Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) Bin Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) was the advisor and guardian of Muslims. He (رضی اللہ) devoted his entire property for the benefit of Dargah-E-Geelania and Madrasa Jadda E Amjad.

Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) was born in an area of Baghdad Shareef, named Baab Ul Shaikh. He (رضی اللہ) studied Uloom E Aqeela E Naqliyah from the scholars of His time. He (رضی اللہ) was the guardian and leader of Geelani family. as well as the successive of Oqaaf E Qadria.

When Iranians siege Baghdad Shareef, Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) did too many efforts to save his city and government, against Iranians. After that, when Ottoman army (Usmani leadership) fought for Baghdad against Iranians, He (رضی اللہ) helped them also, wholeheartedly. Through which they conquered Baghdad. King of army present in service of Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) and warmly thanked Him.

So, during same year on 20th Ramzan Ul Mubarak, Sultan Suleman Usmani along with his army including other officers and Muftis of that time, gathered in Grand Masjid Geelani and ask for all the scholars of Baghdad. After Asar prayers, Sultan gave sanad (certificate) “Naqabat Ul Ashraf” to Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) which is in Turkish language.


After confirmation of Fakh Ul Saadat Ul Mukarram Al Syed Ul Shaikh Zain Uddin Geelani Daam Siyaadata Sahih Al Nasb Saadat, Sanad of Naqabat Ul Ashraf is given to Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) and makes a will that Hazrat Shaikh Syed Zain Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) is the Naqeeb Ul Ashraf of Baghdad. And whoever is not a Sahih Ul Nasab Saadat or donot have any royal order he will not consider to be the leader of nation the Person who has sanad of Naqabat Ul Ashraf, will only deserve the (shaahi wazeefa).


Sultan Suleman Khan Qanoni

After this Usmani certificate, Silsila E Naqabat Ul Ashraf has started. Then tree of Gilania Family is running out this silsila and taking care of this generation by generation, and from almost 450 years till now, this Silsila has been running at its peak.

Hazrat Shaikh Syed Sharf Uddin al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) returned from this mortal world on 9th Zil-Hajj 813 hijri. His (R.A) shrine is located in Baghdad Shareef.