
Hazrat Shaikh Syed Muhammad Hattak al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ)

Hazrat Shaikh Syed Muhammad Hattak al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) was very fascinating and well-versed. He was the son and mureed of Hazrat Shaikh Syed Muhammad Hattak al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ). He learnt jurisprudence and narrated Hadith Mubarka (ﷺ) from his father.

We are unable to serve more about his birth and for what he got this Laqab AL-HATTAK. He also taught the teachings of Islam and usually forced for Sharah and Tauheed.

Hazrat Shaikh Syed Muhammad Hattak al-Gilaani al-Qadri (رضی اللہ) returned from this mortal world in 18th of Rajab 717 Hijri. The sayings are his Shrine is located near his house, some of references indicate it is located around the SHRINE of Ghous-Ul-Azam (رضی اللہ), & according to some people it is located in a small village namely Baqooba.