
Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ)

Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) was a great master of the Chishti Nizami order whose renown spread beyond the borders of the Indian Subcontinent to the Arab World and even the Hijaz. Such was his greatness that he was afforded the title of “Muhi Uddin” the reviver of religion by his contemporaries.

Do grasp the helpless with your grace

Do grant us a sip from the goblet of love

Be good to us, for the sake of the best of creation

Salutations to you, oh Qutub of Madinah, Have mercy Shaikh Yahya, master of kindness.

Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) was a Wali Ullah by birth, and upon completing his formal training in the Islamic sciences, he began a search for a spiritual guide. He soon became the murid of the now-elderly.

Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ), the famed Sufi master of Gujrat. Such was his degree of spiritual perfection, even at such a young age, that he was immediately awarded the Khilafat-E-Azam (Successor) of Hazrat Khuwaja Shaikh Muhammad Chsihti (رضی اللہ) for every silsilah in which he was authorized. He also received khilafat from his father and grandfather whilst still in India.

Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) settled in Dehli where he began the spiritual instruction of the people there. His fame soon spread to such a degree that Aurangzeb, the last of the great Mughal Emperors, often sent messengers requesting to meet him. In the tradition of the Chishtiah, however Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) consistently refused to see him. Eventually, clearly growing exasperated, Emperor Aurangzeb decided to arrive unannounced at his Khanqah. He arrived with his entourage and presented himself before the great saint, asking a question about Dhikr. Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) however, was unfazed by the appearance of Aurangzeb, the most powerful man in the known world at that time. He merely recited a verse from Holy Quran most likely,

"Oh Ye who believe, do not enter another's house without permission of the owner and without greeting them with peace."

As well as instructing the mighty Emperor about the Sunnah of visitation. Then he dismissed him, warning him that if he returned without permission he would suffer the consequences.

This astounding display of indifference in the face of one of the greatese temporal powers the world had ever seen who was alsonototious for his lack of tolerance or humility-merely enhanced the respect in which Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) was held. It prompted comparisons with the actions of the great elders of the Chishtiah order and their struggles with the ruling powers.

Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) was a great lover of Samaa, and often used to arrange gatherings of Samaa at his khanqah, for the benefit of his murideen. His love for Huzoor Nabi Kareem (ﷺ) was deep and intense, so much so that he eventually emigrated to Madinah to live at the blessed feet of the Huzoor Nabi Kareem (ﷺ). This, of course, is the reason for his title (ism al-nisbah), al-madani.

There are various reasons mentioned for his emigration. One states that during one of his Samaa sessions, a qawwal recited a verse about going to Madinah and meeting one's beloved. At this he went into a state of ecstacy and declared, 'I will go tomorrow!' There awoke in him a great longing to live in the illuminated city of the blessed Huzoor Nabi Kareem (ﷺ). Another story says that Huzoor Nabi Kareem (ﷺ) came to him in a dream and asked him to journey to Madinah in order to live with him. One way or another, his longing grew too intense, and he left his khanqah and all his worldly possessions in order to end his physical separation from his beloved.

Before he left, he asked his mother's permission, which she granted on condition that he would return for He Janazah. He thus left on the long and hard journey to Madinah but immediately upon arriving, he promptly returned to his homeland in time to be with his mother through her final illness.

He performed her Janazah (funeral), than left once again for Madinah, where he settled until his Wisaal, on the 28th of Safar 1122 AH. Hazrat Khuwaja Muhi Uddin Abu Yousuf Yahya Madni Chishti (رضی اللہ) was buried in Jannat al-Baqi near the Mazaar Shareef of Hazrat Syedina Usman Bin Affan (رضی اللہ) although his own Shrine was later destroyed.