
Hazart Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام)

Hazrat Syedina Sajjad Al-Hasan Ali Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) is the 4th IMAM of Islam and 3rd IMAM and Shaikh of the Silsila-E-Aaliyah, Qadiriah.

Hazrat Syedina Sajjad Al-Hasan Ali Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) is the 4th IMAM of Islam and 3rd IMAM and Shaikh of the Silsila-E-Aaliyah, Qadiriah. He was one of the greatest Aabids of his era. Hazrat Imam Zohri (عليه السلام) says, (In my era) I have not seen any Quraish more excellent than Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام). Hazrat Ibn Abbas (رضی اللہ) used to look at Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) and refer to him as the Beloved of the Beloved. He was born in Madinah Munawwarah. Hazrat Syedina Imam Hussain (عليه السلام) kept most of his children names attached to the name Ali. This was due to his love for his father Hazrat Syedina Imam Ali (عليه السلام). He was thus also named Ali. He was also known as Abu Muhammad, Abul Hassan, Abu al-Qasim and Abu Bakar. His titles were Sajjad, Zain al-'Aabideen, Syed-Ul-‘Abideen, many more. Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) spent two years with his grandfather Hazrat Syedina Imam Ali (عليه السلام), ten years with his uncle Hazrat Syedina Imam Hasan (عليه السلام) and eleven years with his father Hazrat Syedina Imam Hussain (عليه السلام).

His mother was known as Umm-E-Wulad and was also known as Shahar Banu (رضی اللہ). She was very pious.

Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) was blessed with beautiful character, which he definitely inherited from his illustrious forefathers. He was very eloquent and very respectful. He was always willing to assist those in need. Umar Abu Nasr writes that Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) purchased various slaves, and then set them free. He would be kind even to those who were his personal enemies. Once he heard that there was a certain person who always spoke ill of him. Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) went to him and treated him with such respect and kindness, that he repented from his bad behavior and affiliated himself to the great Imam.

Many great poets have written numerous Qasidas in praise of his kindness and generosity.

Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) was given poison by Waleed bin Abdul Malik and was thus made shaheed on the (18th of Muharram 75 AH).

Your blessed shrine is in Jannat al-Baqi, Madinah-E-Munawwara. Few have said that his Mazar Sharif is in Egypt and there is a Mosque and Shrine Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام) in Cairo, Egypt as well but the Majority accepted his blessed Shrine being in Baqi, Madinah-E-Munawwarah.

After his wisaal, his camel placed its head on his blessed Shrine and cried. Hadzrat Syedina Imam Baqar (عليه السلام) tried to move it away, but it refused. In the end, he said, “She will die in this exact place.”

Eventually she did pass away at the Mazaar of Hazrat Syedina Imam Zain-Ul-Abideen (عليه السلام)